Many thanks to our York '52 classmate, Carroll Knight, for taking the video pictures to make this post-55th-reunion presentation possible.  Super job, Carroll!!!
Please wait to allow this short, 5-minute video clip of York '52's 55th Reunion to load.  And when it does, the video clip will begin playing automatically without you having to prompt it by hitting the 'play button' on the Windows Media Player immediately below. Loading time of this video clip will vary from computer to computer depending on your Internet Connection Speed.  This video clip in its original AVI format is a whopping 167 MB ... and that is way too big to expect even high speed Internet users to load.  Soooo, I compressed this 5-minute segment into a file of type WMV--- and for those techies among you who just have to know, this conversion was made into Microsoft Zune Best Quality, 320 X 240 @ 1112 kbps .  The resulting WMV version of this 5-minute video clip is a reasonable 57 MB.
I was unable to dub-in my own sound clip--- a MPEG layer-3 faded version of Pomp and Circumstance--- into the video itself, which of course also has it's own live sound track ---  but I was able to embed my faded music clip into this presentation even while the video clip loads and then plays ... and so you should begin hearing this music even before the video clip begins to play.  Feel free to adjust the volume control on either your own computer or on the Windows Media Player below --- for I have programmed it in such a way that the music will always remain as background to the foreground sound eminating from the video itself.   And when you do begin to hear my music first, then the video, my music will play continuously throughout this presentation, long after the 5-minute video clip plays itself out--- for the music loops through infinitely --- whereas the video clip does not.  Soooo, to play the video clip a second time...or perhaps even a third time... you will have to hit the 'play button' on the Windows Media Player to re-play the video clip from the beginning.
------------------------------ ENJOY... and please give this video clip time to load ... and when it does ...  it will begin playing automatically and without further prompting:
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