Bruce, et.
Video Clip # 1: "The Lincoln Statue" featuring Louis 'Duke' Weiss telling Bruce Downey and Caroline Johnson a story that is now 55-years old! To play this video you must point to and click the start button...then be patient and wait about 4 minutes to completely load
And then there's this story about our own Carroll Knight. You know Carroll has put forth a tremendous individual effort of his own time and at his own expense to make our Reunions and their aftermath so very real to us all--- what with his CD's, and his DVD's, and all the updated Addendum Books and his personal, one-on-one, telephone calls to each and every one of us. And why has Carroll been so kind to us all? Because Carroll Knight truly cares about each and every one of us ---that's why. Carroll cares enough that he gives of himself so that we might better stay in touch with one another for just as long as we possibly can. Remember too, as I have said so often recently, "We're all playing in the fourth quarter of the game now" --- so how many reunions are left in us? Not many. Not any more.
While I personally did not go to the 55th Reunion, I was at the 50th, and it was there when I first observed Carroll, with his video camera in hand, busily talking to all, while recording on video tape the various events that were so meaningful to us all.
And so as a kind of 'thank you' to Carroll for all that he has done for the York Class of 1952, just a short while ago I too stepped up and volunteered to make it happen all over again---but this time somewhere out there on the world-wide-web. And why would I offer to do this? Because I knew that among our number, I was perhaps one of the few who knew how to bring us all together ... again ... and again ... and again ... by building websites within the realm of virtual reality --- which is itself a relatively new medium destined to be taken to ever greater heights by our grandchildren and by their chidren too.
But my story does not end here --- for there's more to tell. Shortly after the 55th Reunion became history, I contacted Carroll and told him of my plan to put the 55th and its aftermath up on the Internet. Carroll enthusiastically endorsed the idea, and so I sent him an example of something I had only recently put together. I think it was my story which I named "On the Importance of Novembers..." which was an association I had recently made in reviewing all the Novembers of the Civil War period. As many of you know I am writing my first and only novel--- a fictional account of the life and times of my great great grandparents, Emily Ellen Clarke and John Whitehead. I call my story, "Raisins and Almonds---A Civil War Story." In response, Carroll wrote me back an e-mail that said something to this effect: "I don't read anything unless it pertains to my business---the petroleum business."
However, over these past couple of months--- ever since Carroll and I have been working closely together on these York '52 websites of ours --- Carroll has come around to a different point of view of my story telling. Here's what Carroll has said in a recent e-mail to me (and I publically thank Carroll for allowing me to tell you all of his admittedly personal reaction to what I recently wrote in an e-mail directed to Nancy Brown Garippo (York '52) about my proposed website featuring Nancy's family--- now destined to take its rightful place at a website I call "How deep is your valley?" My e-mail to Nancy, with a copy to Carroll, was simply titled:--- "And from nothing...something."
Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday,
December 29, 2007 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: And from
nothing...something Bruce,
Did your wife ever tell you that
you are damn good at this stuff.
I would like to be exposed to some
of your writing too.
Now this from Nancy
Brown Garippo...
Nancy's e-mail to me which I now share with you.
A piece called:---"This is beautiful." And so it
to photo for music. Point to AND CLICK
photo to see Nancy's e-mail to me about
______________________________ Video Clip # 8: And now another Ken Jones, York '52, production---this time it's Ken's dogs on a romp through his front yard--- complete with his own subtitle:---: "Another great day without a job." All this...on a day in June, Fitchburg, MA. To view the fun, go now to:--- ______________________________ Video Clip #
NOTE: Power Point is a product of Microsoft. Hence
your computer's web browser must have their plug-
in to play this 'pps' file. And if you do, you will
then be directed...first to the MS website, then point
to & click on SLIDE SHOW, then PLAY SHOW. And
if, by chance, you are requested for a 'User ID & PW' along the way, just cancel that request and proceed without them.
And if you don't already have the required
MS Power Point Show Media Player then to view
this presentation, you can first download it
directly from Microsoft by pointing to and clicking:--->
here then returning to view this presentation
in the manner as described immediately above.
______________________________ And
again from
Nancy Brown Garippo ---
...a video clip of a different sort. Come "fly" the
mountain tops using your own computer's cursor (mouse) as the
"stick". Go now to
______________________________ |
Video Clip # 1: "The Lincoln Statue " featuring Louis 'Duke' Weiss telling Bruce Downey and Caroline Johnson a story that is now 55-years old! To play this video you must point to and left click the start button...then be patient and wait about 45 seconds for it to load
______________________________ Jessica Ann Downey, Salutatorian photo upon graduation from Hampton (VA) Christian School, June 2007 For more on Jessie's academic
accomplishments and an unforgetable one-line story that goes with it, go to
and see updated story at right ---> ______________________________
Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 6:26 PM
Subject: Re: "As the deer pants for the water..." Bruce
You are my hero, my Superman, and my Clark Kent.
Thank you,
Original Message -----
From: Ralph
To: H. Bruce
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: 'It's Your Turn...' Remember it? The background music ("You Are My Sunshine") brings back cherished memories. I used to sing it constantly while rocking grandson Zachary to sleep and then one time later---( possibly he was a year and a half or two) while giving him a bath, the words seem to sink into his thought process and his eyes swelled with tears and he placed both hands hands over his face and said "I want my mommy". That was the last time I sang the song to him. Since then, when I occasionally sing it to myself, tears fill my eyes thinking about that wonderful experience, as is happening now. ("...I was mistaken and I held my head and cried") Punky
______________________________ Video Clip # 2: "Inside the Space Station" --- a video provided by Tom Hodge in May, 2008. To see video, point to and click here
______________________________ Video Clip # 6: "Yesterday" --- a video provided by Ralph 'Punky' Stevens in May, 2008. This is Punky's and Sandy's only grandchild, Zachary (8), playing the piano at a recital. NOTE: If you don't see Punky Stevens' media player below, then your computer's web browser is missing the QuickTime Media Player Plug-in for Windows. To add the QuickTime for Windows Plug-in to your browser, point to and click ---> QTplugin --- then select 'RUN' . Then come back here and Walla! --- you too will see Punky's grandson playing"Yesterday". ______________________________ Video Clip # 7: The following video clip,
with music by Dustin Evans,
"If I die before you wake" , is brought to you by
Darlene McClelland Knight(York'53). Thank you, Darlene, for this beautiful
tribute to all who continue to serve our
country in times like
all of York '52:--- ...Bruce**********
NOTE: To view this video, your computer's web browser will need
the Adobe/Macromedia Shockwave-flash plug-in player. If you do not have this plug-in, you can download it now
to your computer by going to . Then come back here to view this
______________________________ 'BATTLE HYMN OF THE
by Julia Ward Howe 1861
![]() ![]() ![]() Who has not felt a thrill at hearing those famous
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of
the Lord . . ." and "Glory,
Glory, Hallelujah!"
? On
November 20, 1861, while at a mammouth military
review at Bailey's Cross Roads outside
Julia Ward Howe heard many of the Union troops
singing "John Brown's Body" with its stirring march
rhythm. That very night she awoke, got up, and wrote her now famous verses to the very same tune.
Years later, after the war was over, one of the
Confederate Generals was heard to say,
"If we just
had the music the North had, we would
this war!"
And now, Tom Hodge, York
'52, has given us a
stirring rendition of Julia Ward Howe's "The
Hymn of
Republic" beautifully done by the
combined choirs of an Elementary School and four
unidentified High Schools somewhere here in
America. To see their presentation
and hear this
stirring melody dating from the
Civil War era, come
see and hear it all by pointing to and
Note: Just pointing to the
picture will play an
introductory piece familiar to
all who have seen
the PBS
on the Civil
War. You have
click on this photo to see the
Elementary & High
choirs' presentation.
Video Clip #
________________________________________ Aah! It really is 'the chemistry that binds...' Consider this story that transends these past 55 years... My wife Nancy found my 'Y's Tales' Yearbook from 1952. She began reading the brief notes that classmates wrote over their senior pictures, and paused on the entry that Carroll Knight wrote some 55-years ago. Apparently we were in Mr. Pratt's Chemistry class together that final year at York ... maybe even lab partners? "Bruce---If I were you I would not let that Chemistry bother me." --- Carroll Knight And then, two generations later, comes this story of my oldest grand-daughter, Jessica (pictured here in column 2 at the left). Jessie has just completed her first semester at James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg, VA --- and over the Christmas break she was here at our place at the end of Magnolia Lane in Christiansburg, VA. Jessie, a full scholarship student at JMU, told me that she finished her very first college semester with a perfect GPA of 4.0, including her chemistry class--- a required course for all enrolled in JMU's RN program. And then she showed me this ... an e-mail that her Chemistry Professor sent to her --- and to her alone --- based on her academic standing in his class:-- ----- Original Message -----
From: James J
To: CHEM120_1_FA07 :
Sent: Wednesday, December
12, 2007 7:53 AM
Subject: CH120:
CHEM120_1_FA07 Dear Jessica
----- My second
reason for writing is because I hope that this excellent ________________________________________ Video Clip # 3: And now a Ken Jones, York '52, production on beaver activity sighted recently (Spring,2008) in Fitchburg, MA:--- And if you click on the 'full screen' button at the far right, to return to the view on this page, simply click your ESC (ESCAPE) button on your computer keyboard. ________________________________________ Video Clip # 4: "Talk about crosswinds!!!!" --- a video provided by Bruce Downey in May, 2008.
________________________________________ Come see a slide
show submitted and narrated by Bruce
about a gate building project undertaken in June, 2008
when he was 74
years old. Just point to and click on his picture shown immediately
Video clip #
As exciting as it gets! Here's Ken Jones riding
motorcycle through the streets of
his beloved Fitchburg, MA
... and it feels like you're
at the controls ... as you swoosh
through the curves and 'round the
bends ... leaning when you
have to ... and can't you just
feel the power underneath you
as you accelerate up the second hilliest
city in the U.S.!
Wow! --- What a ride! Just point to the still
below to hear what you are about to
see! And to
experience all the excitement, catch
this 7+minute video
clip by pointing
to and then clicking on either of these
same two photos
... ________________________________________
"And in garments
Point to photo for music---
And then click on photo to go to the website at the end of Magnolia Lane.
Its Your Turn |