New Home Page York High School, Class of 1952

Other Notes #1
Other Notes#2-5
Death Notices numbered 1 thru 4
Death Notices
NOTE # 1
NOTE # 2
NOTE # 3
NOTE # 4
OBITUARIES numbered 1 thru 3
OBITUARIES numbered 4 thru 7
OBITUARIES numbered 8 thru 14
VIDEOS numbered

Last updated: 02-18-06: ( 66 deaths reported )
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I'm glad you're in my dash--- (author unknown):
  "...I read of a man who stood to speak
       At the funeral of a friend
      He referred to the dates on the tombstone
      From the the end.

            He noted that first came his date of birth
            And spoke the following date with tears,
            But he said what mattered most of all
            Was the dash between those years. (yyyy-yyyy)

                  For that dash represents all the time
                  That he spent alive on earth...
                  And now only those who loved him
                  Know what that little line is worth.

                        For it matters not, how much we own;
                        The cars...the house...the cash,
                        What matters is how we live and love
                        And how we spend our dash..."
"Don't Cry Because it's Over...Smile Because It Happened"


Allen Abraham................................(unconfirmed dates)

Dan Anderson.................................(unconfirmed dates)

Barbara Betz Kizirian.....................(1934-1999)

Richard Borneman.........................(1934-1995)

Sally A. Butler Schlegel.................(1934-1999)


Daniel F. Butterfield.......................(1934-1994)

Vivian Buxton Leber.....................(1935-1998)

Eugene D. Canfield........................(unconfirmed dates)

Fred T. Capelle.................................(1934-1990)

Sharon Christianson Grimm.............(1934-1970)


Richard William Cilek.........................(1934-1989)

Marianne DeCraene Sendejo.............(1934-1993)

Robert E. DesRosiers........................(1933-2000)<<<see obituary # 4

Carol Dunnivant Cygan......................(unconfirmed dates)

Allen "Al" Durham..............................(1933-2002)<<<see obituary # 5


Laverne Marilyn Ebert........................(1934-1995)

Norman L. Ellison..............................(1935-1999)

Richard (Dick) D. Ellzey....... ............(1934-1993)

James R. Erickson.............................(1934-2002)

Joan A. Esch Schweppe....................(1934-1995)


Kathy G. Flechsig Spannuth..............(1934-1992) <<<see obituary # 1

Richard F. Franzen.............................(1934-1995)

Phyllis Evelyn Frega Dew...................(1934-1999)

Ronald W. Frick................................(1933-1996)

Shirley Lynn Fullmer..........................(1934-1994)


Ron Grayheck...................................(1934-1993)

Victor S. Hammer, Jr.........................(1934-1992)

Carolyn Ann Hanewinckel.................(unconfirmed dates)

Marjorie Hansen Schilling.................(unconfirmed dates)

James C. Heiss..................................(1933-1978)


Ronald C. Hoffman............................(1934-2000)

Eugene Alan Holderman...................(1934-1998)

James David Jasper..........................(1934-2001)

Reed Kennedy...................................(1932-1992)

Lionel R. Krauskopf..........................(unconfirmed dates)

Henry (Hank) A. Kruse......................(1934-2005)


William Lambie.................................(unconfirmed dates)

Klaus Lorenzen.................................(1934-1969)

Ronald D. Low................................(1934-1997)<<<see obituary # 2 

Richard Brian (Dick) Lynn.............(1934-2005)<<<see obituary # 8

(Neil) John C. Marshall....................(1934-2002)

Dr. Willard (Bill) R. McDaniel..........(1934-2000)<<<see obituary # 7 


Harold A. Miller...............................(1934-2000)

John A. Mobeck..............................(1933-1976)

Frances (Fran) Nicoll Pitchford........(1934-1999) <<<see obituary # 6

Col. Ernest Arthur Olds (1934-1968 MIA/1978 KIA)<<<see obituary # 3

Lea Rogers Oliver............................(1934-1987)


Myrna Olsen Frappier......................(unconfirmed dates)

Marjorie Carolyn Parker Pivonka....(1934-1996)

Marvin Patz.....................................(1934-1993)

Earl V. Perrin....................................(unconfirmed dates)

Olga M. Podgornik Lederer............(1934-2002)


Kenneth E. Rada...............................(1934-1977)

Dolores Rohlfs Swanson..................(1934-1996)

James Allen Royer.............................(1935-1998)

Donna L. Schalo Bunge....................(1933-1995)

Charles R. (Bud) Schmook................(unconfirmed dates)


Carolyn Shaffer Schumacker.............(unconfirmed dates)

John Fairbanks Smith.........................(unconfirmed dates)

DeForest B. Shotts............................(1933-1993)

Gary L. Thibodeau............................(1933-1975)

Barbara Ann Wegner Johnson..........(unconfirmed dates)


Dorothy West Weimer......................(1934-1983)

Roger Wolf......................................(1933-1977)

Donald L.Worley.............................(1933-1999)

Robert Yde.....................................(unconfirmed dates)

E-mail information re: additional death notices to be included here (or corrections to those posted above) to Bruce Downey at